Furnace Repair in San Antonio

Evenflow Home & Commercial Services can take care of any furnace repair needs. We proudly provide furnace repair in San Antonio and surrounding areas.

Whether our client needs gas furnace repair, electric furnace repair, or solar furnace repair, Evenflow Home & Commercial Services can handle the repair.

Filter Furnace Repair in San Antonio

Problems with a furnace filter can lead to a variety of issues, including:

  • Air flow problems

  • Temperature comfort problems

  • Furnace overheating

  • A furnace that cycles on and off too frequently

Consult Evenflow Home & Commercial Services for a furnace repair that will significantly improve the home’s air quality in multiple ways.

Air Flow Furnace Repair in San Antonio

Airflow problems are another common problem requiring furnace repair and can lead to additional problems with a heating system if not appropriately addressed.

Whether it’s the fan motor or a problem with the belts and bearing, this can explain why a furnace overheats or there is poor heating system temperature control. This is also a significant furnace repair, so instead of trying to fix it, contact Evenflow Home & Commercial Services for furnace repair in San Antonio.

Thermostat Repair in San Antonio

Thermostat problems are a common furnace failure. Homeowners’ will notice a thermostat problem if there is no heat or the thermostat is set for a specific temperature but isn’t achieving it. Another thermostat problem can be a blower fan that runs constantly, despite a thermostat that doesn’t have a fan setting.

After ensuring the thermostat is set to heat, and there isn’t a tripped breaker, call Evenflow Home & Commercial Services for assistance. While homeowners may be able to fix minor problems like a thermostat turned off or a tripped breaker, furnace thermostat problems require more substantial inspection and repair.


Other Furnace Repair Problems

Besides a dirty filter, a broken thermostat, and airflow problems, many other things could be wrong with the furnace:

  • A noisy furnace

  • A burnt-out pilot light

  • A furnace that doesn’t produce enough heat

  • Other maintenance problems

For comprehensive furnace repair services in the San Antonio area, contact Evenflow Home & Commercial Services today.